Linkedin Verification

Hi. I did everything to make my linked in profile verified. But it is till unverified.

I’ve already verified 2 other social profiles so I pass through the filter. But this ‘Unverified’ red square near the linkedin profile is a pain in the neck.

Here is my data:

Is there any action on my side I can do to get verified?

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Hey @ak1,

I just checked your profile. It looks like they’re all valid! If they show up as unverified for you still, can you try doing a hard refresh and waiting a few minutes? Sometimes it can take some time for the browser to discover that your proofs are valid (an issue we’re looking into!). Hope this helps!

Hello, The same problem here :slight_smile: . My id is ID-1DjAmGAnSdBKZMYSyCMwoM5P8B2vFae7Sd . My linkedin is verified but i’am unable to join the registration.

Hey @1DjAmGAnSdBKZMYSyCMw, can you make sure your LinkedIn post is public? It needs to be public in order for verification to work.

Hi Jude… same problem. Have been trying to verify my linkedin but still “unverifyed”. I believe the post is public. Post URL is Pls advice Thx!

Hey, @Pietro

In your profile the URL link is:
You should change it to

it’s verified yet. But unable to join the registration. But i have deleted my post after it was validated. Should i keep the post in my linkedin?

Thank you nguyenloc. Done as adviced but still unverified. I have also attached the screenshot from Linkedin. Pls advice.

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Hey, @jude,

It still shows up as unverified for me. I can assure there was much enough time for the browser to discover (several days).

What do you mean by ‘hard refresh’? ‘Reset browser’ or ‘ctrl + f5 refresh’ doesn’t help.

Hi Jude, I believe you have to leave it in. Did the same with HackerNews account, after removal was unverfified so that to put it back

Can someone help me please. I have resubmitted my linkedin account. Here my blockstack id ID-1DjAmGAnSdBKZMYSyCMwoM5P8B2vFae7Sd

I have been manually verified a few days back but still not showing, pls advice. Thx

I can’t seem to get verified either.

Hi Jude,
I am having the same issue. My LinkedIn account shows as not verified.

How do I perform a “hard refresh?”


Same problem for me :frowning:

Same problem for me :disappointed:

I’m also having this issue. Here is my link:

I want to get verified with Linkedin.

What am I supposed to be verified

my url is

@jude could you please assist when possible? Thank you.

Hi Jude,
same problem, Linkedin is still unverified. HELP!