Youbase: Individual-centric p2p data store

From whitepaper:

YouBase provides an individual-centric security structure that separates personal data from identity while allowing for secure and structured read and/or write access to trusted parties on a peer-to-peer data store. This structure provides several benefits, including:

a way to securely input, access and share any kind of file or record
a way to organize authorized access to information into a structured hierarchy
improved anonymous information sharing that could be used as a public or shared private asset
information sharing transactions can be to be tied to financial transactions

It looks like a very interesting way to store private information: medical info (drug allergies, etc) that you only want to share with certain individuals. Interested to see if/how it fits in with Passcard & Blockstack!

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I invited @hexorx one of the YouBase developers to the community - hopefully he’ll tell us more :smiley:

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Awesome, look forward to hearing from you @hexorx.

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I love the blockstack idea and look forward to exploring where YouBase might fit in. If anyone has any questions about YouBase or feedback about the white paper I would love to hear it.

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