Which type of data would go on network and which type of data would go on decentralized storage?


Consider the scenario that I am dApp developer so what kind of data should go into decentralized storage (Gaia) and what kind of data should go into the network. Like transaction should go on a network and user-generated data should on decentralized storage so can anyone explain me in a better way, what actual kind of transaction or data would go on network or storage.

Thank you,

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See also App design question: Blockstack vs Smart Contracts and 2019-06-12 Engineering Meeting (Open to the Public)

You have also the possibility to store global data in the atlas network.

Simplified one could say:

  • Blockchain: global state that affects/belongs to all users
  • Atlas: global data that belongs to one user but all users should see
  • Storage: private data that belongs to one (or more) user

Thanks for replying,

So can you just give me an example for any specific app or use case that in that case, this type of data would store as a transaction, this type of data would go on decentralized storage etc.

Thank you.

What about personal health data? Any use cases that you have in mind that would apply? would the decentralized private storage cover hipaa regulations?


I wrote about this topic here: https://medium.com/blockstack-blog/blockusigns-pragmatic-approach-to-smart-contracts-anchoring-data-on-blockchain-using-blockstack-fb9bd974a306

My app, Blockusign stores the raw documents and most of the application state in Gaia. It stores the digital signatures and hash of the document to Bitcoin via the Blockstacks Subdomain register.

Most data does not have to be stored on chain unless you are proving something happened between two people at a certain time.

Hey @nicktee,

Thanks a lot for your reply. let me look into your article.
