When will it be possible to sell blockstack tokens?

I was part of the original blockstack llc token offering back in 2017. When will it be possible to sell these tokens?

Hey there, it depends on what country you are in. What country are you in?


Hey @stacksadmin - I’m in the US. Where should I look into this more? I’ve been going through the forums and can’t seem to figure it out.

For US purchasers, there is currently no authorized exchange or alternative trading system (ATS) for buying and selling Stacks tokens, and we cannot comment on when an exchange or ATS might list Stacks tokens at this time. Please keep an eye out for updates at stackstoken.com. If you see Stacks listed on an exchange, please let us know at [email protected], as the listing may be illegal or a scam.

thats pulled from here: https://blockstack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043003754-When-will-Stacks-tokens-be-available-on-an-exchange-for-US-residents-