What is the alternative to search for blockstack?

One person in the survey asked:

In order to find the endpoints, we’ll eventually need a ‘google-like’ search or thepiratebay equivalent directory. Which ends up being owned/centralized - and like thepiratebay can be easily blocked/shutdown by GOV. What is the alternative to search for blockstack?

People can run light-weight search locally. In fact, Blockstack Core comes with search built-in and you can turn search “on” in your installation (the main functionality is already implemented and we’re releasing better UX for this in the next release!). The search process is fairly lightweight given that it’s only indexing around 70K profiles/entries right now and you can realistically run it locally on your machine. There are two options for scaling this out in the future:

a) Enable users to run personal containers in the cloud where they can have their own deployment of search or some other service that requires more compute resources and where privacy etc is a concern. You can imagine paying a small monthly fee for running such a container in the cloud. The fee is similar to how you pay Dropbox for storage per month. This option is great for making a search index of private data and for hiding your search queries from any provider (because you’re running your own container and no one can see what you’re searching for).

b) There will be third party providers who can index public data and make it available. Since the data is not proprietary, anyone can run such a service and different providers can compete on quality of results and quality of their service. Sure, yes, individual service providers can be shut down but the underlying system is decentralized with no central point of failure/control and new providers can pop-up at any time. In a way, by unlocking the user data and removing monopolistic control of user data you increase competition for third-party service providers. It becomes easier/cheaper for developers to start new third-party service providers and any bad providers are weeded out purely by market competition.


My question is around implementing search indexing service by apps like LinkedIn.

Say for example Linkedin implemented a “recommended jobs indexing service” based on jobseekers key skills.

Now what if by the time jobseeker view the recommended job, recruiter has intentionally removed it from his dropbox.

In such case jobseeker will see new recommended job count but not be able to view it.

May i know how to tackle such scenarios

@ankit90_anand This is a caching issue and will depend on the specifics of how the recommended jobs indexing service is implemented. Does it “subscribe” to changes from each bucket it indexes? If so then the indexing service will pick up on the change. A simpler way you could take care of issues like this is through aggressive cache invalidation.

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