

I have purchased ipo from coinlist and moved the funds to blockstack Id nareshbjee86.id.blockstack. I also noted down magic key and 12 words recovery phrase. I can see 855 tokens on stacks explorer all unlocked now. But when I tried to use Hiro wallet with same recovery phrase, it shows different address with 0 stx tokens. I explored previous threads and all talking about ledger to migrate but I don’t have a ledger. Some links shared earlier are moved. Please help. I have invested in blockstack for long term and hodled but now seeing different wallet address and same seed, making me anxious. I have old wallet recovery phrase and magic key with me.

My stx wallet address

Hiro generate new wallet address with 0 stx

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I have this same issue…I really hope we can get this resolved. If you search the address you used from coinlist on the Stacks blockchain does it show your correct balance?

I have the same issue. As I investigated tokens can be accessed only via new Hiro wallet. The problem is that it’s needed to have 24 words seed phrase from old Stacks wallet in order to get access to funds. And there’s no function in the old wallet to extract that seed phrase. I suggest you to write email to support [email protected] and ask to make a patch or something like that as soon as possible to provide a way to get a seed phrase from old Stacks wallet. Otherwise looks like all tokens will be lost. Many people have same problem so we should push Stacks team to act and fix it.


Hey facing same issue. How did u solve it.Are there any updates on that topic ?

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I am having the same issue. Bought tokens back in 2019 during the ICO.

Read something here, but has anyone else figured out an approach to this?

Hi @roughpanda,

Please note there is a difference between the blockstack iD and the related secret key (12 words) and the Secret Key and address generated by the Stacks Wallet. The Stacks wallet always generated 24 word seed phrases. If you want to get to your funds you will have to get the latest version of the Stacks wallet, it has since renamed (Hiro wallet) and now leather.io, it still has a desktop wallet. Then restore it with the same key (most likely a 24-word mnemonic key phrase) you used to generate the address for the ICO. You’ll have to find the right key first.

You would have generated this in first half of 2019 (most likely around April/May if you participated in the voucher sale of 2019). You can restore the Leather wallet with that key and you’ll have access to your funds again.