Use redirectToSignIn to redirect after login

hi, we hope that our app can be redirected to a new SPA link after login blockstack.
userSession.redirectToSignIn(this.hostLink + ‘/register#/blockstack’, this.hostLink + ‘/manifest.json’)
we found found that the first parameter is not working if we write
this.hostLink + ‘/register#/blockstack’
it will only work when we write this.hostLink + ‘/register/blockstack’
Since we use vuejs SPA in hash mode, we must include “#” sign in our redirect link,
Is there any way, I can use “#” sign in the first parameter of the function redirectToSignIn?
Thank you very much

why there is always no reply on my post?

Could you please elaborate on what is not working? Or provide a simple example where you show what is not working. What do you see in the console log?