Use Gaia storeage across differnent domains (Ionic)?

I created a hybrid app where users can use it in a browser or ionic app.

My problem is now, if that data stored to gaia are different when fetching them across app and webapp.

I store data with my ID to and fetching the data.json on my ionic app, results in different data.

is there something about the appdomain ur fileurl?

I think it makes no difference between using web or mobile end. Gaia is data source like database. Blockstack fetch data from gaia by profile.json.

Following address is profile.json corresponding to my ID.

I think this is what you want about appdomain or fileURL. There are documentation about it, you can find it in

Please verify that you are using the same AppConfig for both apps.

As @Gavin said there is no difference if you use the same domain for authentication.

The app urls in the profile are only relevant if you want to share data with other users. Usually, there is no entry in you public profile.