Tries to open Office 2016

Hi there, I am on windows platform, and when I try using the sample applications like Hello Blockstack and I click on sign in, it tries to open the link with Office 2016. If I continue, it opens a new window and shows me the sign in popup. When I approve the sign in request, my application opens up in this new window, and it shows signed in, however it does not pick my user profile, and thus does not show the avatar or my name(shows as Nameless)

Hi @dhaval

I think there’s two issues here. The first is that the protocol handler for Blockstack on Windows has some strange interactions with Chrome — we’re not really sure why the protocol handler says “Office 2016”, but I believe it has something to do with the way we’re setting the registry settings for the handler.

The second issue, I’m not sure about – can you include a screenshot of the sign-in approval screen? Do you see any errors in the javascript console when you get to the application?

This happens to me, however I notice depending on the app i’m trying to authenticate is when it does or doesn’t work. I think this is partially due to some apps having outdated versions and or if the app requires certain permissions not yet facilitate on Windows build. It does seemingly however still pass to/from the Browser in general, regardless of the Button being labeled Office 2016.