Trezor is no longer supported, unable to access STX from old wallet

Hello, I set up an old STX wallet last year using my Trezor One and without a seed phrase. When trying to access the STX recently, I discovered that Trezor One is no longer supported and I have no way of getting at the STX since I did not set up a seed phrase (I am certain the option for a seed phrase was not given, probably because I used my Trezor One to set up the wallet). Any ideas what I can do to access my STX?

Hey Bel, you’re correct in that you would not have generated a 24 word Secret Key, as your Trezor provided the Secret Key. You can either:

  1. Purchase a Ledger device and load the 12-, 18- or 24-word recovery phrase you saved when originally setting up our Trezor device into your Ledger device. See “Restore from recovery phrase” from Ledger. Or,
  2. Enter the 12- or 24-word recovery phrase you saved when originally setting up our Trezor device directly into the wallet upon selecting “Sign In” and viewing a prompt for your “Secret Key”. This option does not work for 18-word recovery phrases.

More details here: How can I use my Trezor device with the Stacks Wallet?

Please let me know if this helps!