Token Sale Register

First of all: Great job with Blockstack. Huge props!

Right now I am registering for the Token Sale. At first I was told to verify one social network account to participate, and so I did. Opening the register now still says that I should verify one social network account. Am I doing something wrong?


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Ditto - well done on creating this.

I would like to know how to register for the token sale, I am fairly certain that I am now varified but I do not know where to register. Is there a link or something? - Thanks in advance.

By the way, it feels like I registered here “normally” even though I logged in with Blockstack (and still had to verify e-mail and stuff). Is that correct? Maybe my blockstack is set up wrong.

It is

If you have Blockstack installed you should see the Application “Token Sale” on the Home screen in the “User-ready Apps” section.

Let me know if it works for you.

I can’t see that app?

Weird. This is hot it looks like for me:

The Token Registeration app is available in the latest Blockstack Release

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I have the latest release and the browser shows that I have a verified social account, but I’m getting the same message-- that I still need to verify at least one social account.

Hi everyone,

I have a similar problem as some of the other members.

I have registered, verify 4 accounts, log in and when I press token sale it goes into a bubkle back to main site, registration and I end up again into the main intereface and no email for registration or anything:

Can anyone let me know or let me know if I am doing anything wrong?

The same happens for me so I guest it’s normal?? I just clicked to register (for the token sale) on the site and received and email that confirms successful registration.

I got a email to upload a government i.d where do upload it to for registration

I was finally able to register for the Token Sale (now just waiting on the ID verification). I’m using the Blockstack browser stored on localhost and had my screen keep hanging on the “approve app ‘Blockstack Token Sale’”. (I had 3+ verifications already by the way)

This is how I got around the hanging auth box:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the link in step 2 (should open a localhost:8888 with a long auth string at the end)
  3. In a new tab go to
  4. Click ‘Restore an existing keychain’
  5. Enter your keychain phrase, password, and email (i used the same ones as when i signed up)
  6. Select default storage
  7. Now you should be able to see your profile and information at the /profiles extension
  8. Click Home, and make sure the app ‘Token Sale’ is available under User-ready Apps
  9. Go back to your first tab (the localhost:8888 with the auth string)
  10. Copy the entire auth string after localhost:8888 and past it at the end of browser dot blockstack dot org

**Can only paste 2 links as a new user :/, paste it at the end of the link on step 3

  1. Just click ‘Approve’ and it will authenticate and take you to the registration form where you’ll fill in your information
  2. Enter your info, submit, and you should get a confirmation email and redirected to the thank you for registering page

Hope this helps!