I too sent stx from kucoin to my stacks wallet 3.1.1 and nothing ever showed up. Also when I set up the desktop wallet on my high sierra mac pro it did not give me an option to set a seed phase, however it did provide me with a send and receive address. I have all the transaction id and information from Kucoin but no one from [email protected] has returned my email request and kucoin says they show the send confirms to the address in my wallet.
It appears as though you’re using the older Stacks Wallet, which won’t show any transactions since mid-January ever since we made the switch to Stacks 2.0. This older wallet only shows the balance “frozen” at that time on Stacks 1.0.
Please download the new wallet here, authenticate with the same underlying key as your address (either hardware wallet or seed phrase), and check again for the transaction.
Please let us know if that helps resolve the issue. Happy to answer any questions!
It looks like the transaction went through and went to the original recipient address you listed in this thread ending with GW6V, so that is where the STX are. You will need to login to your wallet with the corresponding address via your seed phrase or hardware wallet in order to access and send them to a new address.
Still, no money was returned from this transaction. You have the transaction info:
Here is the transaction information: What can you not credit my account in my new wallet?