Stacks testnet subdomain

I am trying to register subdomain worldhello.personal.id2 and I am getting error of it is not safely registered.

$ blockstack-cli -t register_subdomain worldhello.personal.id2 “$OWNER”

“status”: false,
“error”: “Subdomain cannot be safely registered”,
“onChainNameInfo”: {
“address”: “mkh7VUbgTEs58wcfvcD6FCVnLjhL1mCquK”,
“blockchain”: “bitcoin”,
“did”: “did:stack:v0:mkh7VUbgTEs58wcfvcD6FCVnLjhL1mCquK-0”,
“expire_block”: 53288,
“grace_period”: false,
“last_txid”: “2475b5ee906805a1d6b61af96761951ca0d5043464b9ae8c0369737a79903950”,
“renewal_deadline”: 58288,
“resolver”: null,
“status”: “registered”,
“zonefile”: "$ORIGIN personal.id2\n$TTL 3600\n_http._tcp URI 10 1 ""\n",
“zonefile_hash”: “097973357d7256bfcf0326111c7960f7dbe6e644”
“isNameAvailable”: true,
“onChainName”: “personal.id2”,
“registrarName”: “personal.id2”

How can i Resolved this?
Thanks In advance.

Hey, looks like the subdomain registrar on the testnet got stuck (the testnet control software didn’t properly shut it down from the last reboot). I manually fixed it and confirmed that I can register subdomains (you can see mine – it’s boop.personal.id2). Please try again at your earliest convenience, and please let us know if it’s still not working for you :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot @jude!!

But I tried again and it’s not working for me still. I can see your registered subdomain boop.personal.id2 using whois.

Can you tell me how can I do same thing on my own local testnet without using stacks? It is possible?

Can you tell me how can I do same thing on my own local testnet without using stacks?

You don’t need Stacks in the first place. The subdomain registrar pays for the registration, not you.

Do you have a local testnet running? Is your local testnet also running its own Gaia hub and subdomain registrar? The command to register a subdomain is the same, except you’ll need to supply your testnet’s Gaia hub write endpoint and subdomain registrar endpoint instead. Also, in your case, you won’t pass -t since that tells the CLI to talk to Instead, you’ll want to pass -i (if you’re running on localhost), or -i and -H <HTTP URL to your blockstack core API endpoint>(if you’re running on a public host).

Thanks a lot @Jude for the quick response.

My testnet is running locally and gaia hub is also running only subdomain registrar is not running. How can I set up of subdomain registrar? and where I have to pass gaia write url?

So, you are saying that, for domain and subdomain register no btc and stacks are used? on testnet?

My testnet is running locally and gaia hub is also running only subdomain registrar is not running. How can I set up of subdomain registrar? and where I have to pass gaia write url?

How did you start your testnet? Did you follow the instructions here? . Please note that you also have to follow the prerequisite instructions to ensure that all the related services are installed and working (i.e. you need to install the integration test framework and all of its dependencies).

Thanks a lot @jude!!!

Now, my local testnet is running. But facing error of not enough stacks while register domain, so, how can i register domain on my own local testnet.
From, where I can get the stacks?

Hi Ripal did you try with the recent times, for me the issue still persist.

Hahu Smith


Yes, I have successfully registered subdomain on the stacks testnet. It’s working for me. but my own local testnet still I am not able to register domain and subdomain, both.

If you have the testnet running, you should be able to just use the faucet page it serves up to send some STX and BTC to a private key. To start up the registrar, you’ll first need to register an on-chain name (via the CLI), and then use the keys that own it and pay for it to start up the registrar.

@jude you are talking about our own testnet or official stacks testnet?