So, it seems like I have transferred my Blockstack name
from Onename to my Blockstack wallet instead of into the names section by mistake. Does anyone know the commands I would use to correct this?
blockstack deposit
"address": "3JGrvH5q3kxesJnEEGEoKv48AfWYT8VquL",
"message": "Send bitcoins to the address specified."
blockstack import
"address": "384amTUt7Nw2dh54DG9e74BbfoffoRuSFH",
"message": "Send the name you want to receive to the address specified."
blockstack whois
"block_preordered_at": 374118,
"block_renewed_at": 374118,
"expire_block": 489247,
"has_zonefile": true,
"last_transaction_height": 475267,
"last_transaction_id": "1e8083e87cc45795625f2b5df9b5af861b18090422babdab8b1e75c75c678af7",
"owner_address": "3JGrvH5q3kxesJnEEGEoKv48AfWYT8VquL",
"owner_script": "a914b5e8a37b0e47eda71414404a913fe7696924207287",
"zonefile_hash": "ab80f5b717d5da7320110c4c149dc457d994fbee"