Pre-built Blockstack Dev environment

@jackzampolin for tracking purpose.

Are there any Pre-built Blockstack Dev environment VM (say in .OVA format) which can be shared to new people who want to play around. I suggested Docker based installation which is working for me, however they wanted pre-built VM.
So thought will it be good idea to install docker based Bockstack setup in a VM, then take snap shot of VM and give them the image in either .OVA or QCOW formats.


@jackzampolin, I brought this setup using Linux “” in Cloud-Init script.
So when ever a new VM gets created with image having Blockstack Dev Environment pre-built, then it will pull new packages and start the blockstack service containers.
This is helping us and hope others will benefit out of this.

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@ShankarGanesh_PJ Would love to see the code for this!!!

In Google Platform Cloud, we have a VM image in RAW format which will instantiate as Blockstack Dev Environment, where metadata are taken from user file (start-up attached):

gcloud compute instances create blockstackdevenv
–image blockstackvmimage1
–metadata-from-file user-data (383 Bytes)

After setting the DNS resolver, the script will pull blockstack-core, blockstack-browser packages using pull. Then password for blockstack core is given to start all of its services on containers. Then user can point to browser.

This helped for any new comer who needs Blockstack Linux environment. However there are other ways to; like in Virtual box, we created a VM with all components installed then took a image dump in .ovf format and distributed to other developers.