OneName migration UX improvement

I think my OneName username is being migrated now, but it’s hard to know for sure because there’s no UX in BrowserStack that indicates this. (That I can see, anyway!)
Can it be improved? Or perhaps it’s not a priority?

UX walkthrough, for context.,

First this:

Add a username to your Blockstack ID so you can interact with other people on the decentralized internet. If you have a name you would like to transfer from Onename, click here.

Clicked, saw the export UI on OneName:

Provided my password, then this:

We have received your request to export your username. This process can take 48 hours or more.

Clicked “I understand,” then… nothing.
Just a blank screen on
And no UX on BlockStack to indicate something is in progress

Despite the 48 hr notice, it would help to see that something is in progress. I haven’t read the whitepaper yet; is it technically infeasible to provide “in progress” UX on BlackStack?

If it is possible and can be improved, how can I help?


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