Dear blockstackers - I’m running Blockstack API and Browser manually out of Docker Containers (pulled from Quay), since VirtualBox (which comes along with the Windows Installation) conflicts with Hyper-V on my machine (an I need this hypervisor for many applications).
E:\> systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Betriebssystemname" /C:"Betriebssystemversion"
Betriebssystemname: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Betriebssystemversion: 10.0.15063 Nicht zutreffend Build 15063
E:\> docker ps | findstr blockstack
deac4614619e "blockstack-cors-p..." ...>1337/tcp blockstack-browser-cors
86f9ec327eeb "blockstack-browser" ...>8888/tcp blockstack-browser-static
94bd670939f4 "blockstack api st..." ...>6270/tcp blockstack-api
I can edit my profile in the Blockstack Browser, everything works fine. But when I press the View Publicly button in the browser, no profile content is shown:
Profiles from other members are visible, e.g.
What am I doing wrong? I have already restarted the containers, the error pattern remains unchanged. Or is it not an error at all, but a regular feature of the Blockstack Browser? Do I just have to wait a few more hours?
Could any of you please look for using the Browser?
Thank you a lot - Blockstack is great!
p.s. // maybe it has nothing to do with it and I apologize in advance for describing two phenomena in one single topic: On my name is also not known.
@discobot Perhaps you can point out in your introduction - which I really enjoyed - that new participants are only allowed to post two pictures and two links per topic.
@relianz It looks like the zonefile update was not issued. That could be a number of things, but I believe that the browser version might have something to do with it.
What versions of the browser/core container are you using? We have just made a number of major changes to the browser. Those are available in the tags v0.17.1 for blockstack-browser and v0.17.1-browser for blockstack-core.
Also the issue could be not enough BTC in your wallet to issue the zonefile update command. @jude@aaron am I missing anything?
This is likely a client-side (i.e., browser) issue. One possibility is that the storage configuration went a little haywire at some point – this profile is stored on Dropbox and the zonefile correctly points to it, but if you use a different storage provider on restoring the setup (that is, you click on the default option instead of going and re-authing dropbox), you can end up in a situation kind of like this – the zonefile points to a different profile than the one browser thinks it should be.
@jackzampolin@aaron Thank you both a lot! If external readers can find my profile, then I’m a full-fledged member of the community, is this right?
I pulled the docker images from quay using the tag latest, I will now try the versions Jack mentioned. When I created the profile, Dropbox has been the only option selectable, all others have been greyed out, don’t know why.
My file ~\.blockstack\client.ini has the following content: