My bitcoins are gone after update

I installed blockstack browser out of curiosity and deposited bitcoins to register a name. Yesterday a pop up appeared suggesting to update the software and I clicked to go with it. After the update and the blockstack browser restarted, my bitcoin balance is 0. I am assuming that my address has changed after the update. I could not find a way to access my previous address.

Would any one help me to recover my bitcoins? Is there a way to access all my bitcoin addresses created in blockstack? May be using the seed? I am running the blockstack browser on macOS Sierra.


Hi - yes, we did change that wallet address format in the latest release – we moved the bitcoin wallet from stored in a local file to being completely derived from the 12-word secret phrase.

Funds stored in the old wallet should be obtainable, however, by opening the browser to http://localhost:8888/wallet/send-core – you’ll get an interface to send funds out of the old address.