Mobile Onboarding Release

We’re ready to deploy our update to new user onboarding!

Staging preview

Browser build

Instructions for running locally with this branch

We have a long list of improvements planned, but we’ve made significant progress against these goals:

  • Allow new users to create a free, instant ID they can immediately use in app.
  • Allow new users to create an ID on mobile device with minimal time/friction/complexity.
  • Allow users to initiate the signup process from a native mobile app, create the ID within that app, and continue using without having to exit to the web browser.
  • Allow new users to defer the step of recording their seed (for novice users this is time consuming, confusing, and awkward on mobile).

We did two rounds user testing on mockups with novice users so we could meet these goals. That said, this is an iterative process and we’ll keep testing and improving as we learn more. We welcome your feedback. Feel free to add issues in the browser repo or reply here.