Lost access to blockstack identity

I loaded up blockstack today and noticed that I was logged out. I attempted to log back in, but was unable (error said “identity could not be found”) The only way to gain access was to create a new identity and then restore account under Account Settings via my backup password. I now have access to my account, but the identity that I paid for is no longer linked to it.

I am not sure what is going on or how to fix. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Anyone able to assist?

Hi @brodly! Sorry that you’re having trouble!

If you bought a name on an earlier pre-release version of the Blockstack Browser, you might need to transfer your name to a new owner address using a future name transfer tool. This is because we’ve changed keychain formats between pre-releases.

Rest assured as long as you keep your identity key backup phrase safe, you’ll be able to recover your name in the future.

You can follow progress of the name transfer tool here in this github issue: https://github.com/blockstack/blockstack-browser/issues/537

Thank you. Is there a way to do this without waiting for the name transfer tool?
Also I’m not sure I ever received an ‘identity key backup phrase’ unless you are referring to the backup key for my account.