Looking for Alpha Testers

Hi, I’m planning to release simple social app like friendfeed in a week. I need couple people at the early stage. DM me if you want to volunteer to test please.

Notice: App data may be lost in the alpha version.


I’m interested in being an alpha tester…


I’ve sent the invitation code to the participants, and we started to test with @Kitsana . I got great feedbacks from him.

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I’d love to test. Be well

HI, is this still open? I’d love to help you.

done :+1:

btw I’ve added brand new tag component. It has 3 actions. “follow”, “unfollow”, “go to tag wall”

hi! i’d be happy to help out and test as well if needed :slight_smile:

I would like have a try,Did your app support blockstack?

Of course. You need blockstack browser & id. Let’s break something.

All invitations sent.

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Thanks - where is the invitation?

Would love to help if you’re still looking for alphers

I am happy to help as well.

@jwm check the page source :slight_smile: fupio.com
welcome everyone who can read page sources.

Thanks… good work.