Is not synced?

I recently registered

After waiting several hours I tried:

$ curl
“status”: “available”

Docs say that: “Power users are encouraged to run local Blockstack Core nodes on their laptops or home/office networks in order to have reliable access to the Blockstack network. Your local node maintains the same state as the rest of the Blockstack Core nodes, so it will keep serving names, public keys, and storage routes even if upstream nodes are unreachable or go offline.”

So I install my own full node which returns what I expected:

$ curl http://localhost:6270/v1/names/
“status”: “registered”,
“zonefile”: "$ORIGIN\n$TTL 3600\n_http._tcp\tIN\tURI\t10\t1\t""\n\n",
“expire_block”: 620939,
“blockchain”: “bitcoin”,
“last_txid”: “93fb5205ce196d2c4b7041350e4a67828d9bbdbcdf464c55c6bcc062291b735e”,
“address”: “1CYgYkkm67knmiL9u4qg9kALr1anVPnVZq”,
“zonefile_hash”: “6ea37b5738439c985bb1332011c6c541f7510ee2”

… So is there something wrong with

Seems like has a problem loading namespaces caches requests for 12 hours, including negative responses. Your name loads for me on Does it work for you now as well?

EDIT: see @aaron’s reply below.

Seems like has a problem loading namespaces

Heh, the real issue is that needs an overhaul :wink: You can still query information about namespaces through, though.

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@jude Yes, working now. I also notice that my name now appears as being registered in blockstack-browser. Yesterday it appeared with a clock icon and a tooltip that told me it was still in the process of being registered.

Conclusion: Clearly was registered on the blockchain, but due to caching, didn’t appear for 12 hours. Perhaps this should be mentioned to users when they register a name from the browser – “It may take 12 hours for name registration to complete”.

There was some server down time for last night which probably caused that behavior. The /v1/names/ endpoint caches for a much shorter period of time than 12 hours.

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