Investment in Blockstack

Hi All,

Is there a way to invest directly in Blockstack, currently?

Warm regards,


Hi Matt,

This is Brittany from Blockstack. I manage Investor Relations at Blockstack PBC.

As you’ve likely heard, Blockstack Token LLC has filed an offering statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to conduct a $50 million token offering using the SEC Regulation A+ framework. Stacks Tokens won’t be sold until the SEC has qualified the offering statement. Please keep an eye out for updates at, where you may also subscribe for updates by joining our mailing list.

If you have additional questions about investing, you can email us at [email protected].


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Hi @blocks8

As someone who’s never invested in anything. Do I just need to go here:

and presumably set up a CoinList account prior to?

Hi Jonny,

Yes, you can head to to pre-register for the upcoming sale. It will direct you to set up a Coinlist account if you do not already have one. From there, you can pre-register the desired amount you would like to invest. The sale will not start until the offering is qualified by the SEC. We will notify pre-registered investors at that time so they can finalize their purchase at their desired amount. We will also post an announcement about the sale at

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Hi Brittany

So where do you stand if you’re a resident of Canada, but a UK citizen? Am I still able to participate?


Hi Brittany,

I am a pre-registered voucher holder which means i have also done my KYC. I want to congratulate you and the entire Blockstack team on the successful SEC approval.

I got a mail notifying me of the SEC approval and immediate commencement of sales starting today. The information says sales will be on a first come first serve basis, so i want to ask, does this also apply to to the pre-registered voucher holders or our place is secured within the 60 days sales period to make payment? For me the sale date is too sudden as I need a few days to put me money together for the purchase and am not sure what will happen.


M. Philips