Importing an Identity?

I created an identity ( on this app (note: a moderator removed the link to the Firebase app because it’s meant for testing only). I’m able to login there and change/access the identity. I can see also it when I do a blockstack lookup on my Macbook I can see the changes:

~ :> blockstack lookup
    "profile": {
        "@context": "", 
        "@type": "Person", 
        "account": [], 
        "address": {
            "@type": "PostalAddress", 
            "addressLocality": "Berkeley, CA"
        "birthDate": "", 
        "description": "Developer/Marketer @InfluxData", 
        "familyName": "Zampolin", 
        "givenName": "Jack", 
        "image": [
                "@type": "ImageObject", 
                "contentUrl": "", 
                "name": "avatar"
    "zonefile": "$ORIGIN\n$TTL 3600\n_http._tcp\tIN\tURI\t10\t1\t\"\"\n\n"

However when I try to import the identity locally with the blockstack cli the import command outputs the non answer:

~ :> blockstack transfer 38GaSDVVaV2DMJV1kboCyt6RM2h7bUUMjA
Enter wallet password: is not in your possession.

There could also be something fundamental I’m misunderstanding here help?

Not sure if you figured this out or not?
but You said

I created an identity ( on I’m able to login there and change/access the identity.


However when I try to import the identity locally with the blockstack cli the import command outputs the non answer:

If you are trying to transfer the ownership of the name from one wallet to another, the current wallet that owns the name is what invokes the transfer command. In short sounds like your trying to invoke the transfer from the wrong side. Atleast thats what I would deduce based on the info given and the output of when executing the transfer command is not in your possession.

Hope that helps


Yep, that’s correct. Your name is owned by the wallet you created on the Firebase-hosted app.

The CLI has a separate wallet and right now the name is not owned by that wallet.