Immutable storage

Is it possible for apps in blockstack to anchor some data on the underlying blockchain? i.e immutable storage.
(I know it will be expensive and slow).
What would it entail ?

Yup! You can store data in the Atlas system using a subdomain registrar. @nicktee does this with Blockusign, for example.

2 Likes here’s a link to more information on how it works in blockusign stay tuned for a more detailed blog post on this!

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Hi @Jude. I am thinking for a while about an “affordable” way to not only anchor data to a blockchain, but also use the blocks’ time as timestamp.

Now, “hacking” the subdomain registrar I see as an affordable way to do the first, but I’m struggling with the second, as you loose the affordability if you want a more accurate timestamp (because the submitting happens in batches).

Can Stacks help?

In the blockusign case this timestamp issue is not covered either, if I’m not wrong, @nicktee ?

How accurate do you want your timestamps to be? You can’t get a granularity smaller than the block time (10 minutes) no matter how much BTC you have.

Yes @jude , I fully understand that 10 minutes is the smallest granularity.

I guess I don’t understand what you’re asking. It sounded like you were asking for a way to get better timestamps than afforded to you by batching. But, the only way to do that is to batch more often, but even then, you won’t get particularly accurate timestamps (no better than the block time).

No it’s clear. Price of a name update is fine. 10 minute time granularity is fine.

Yeah, I’m cheap so I batch twice a day. So it will timestamp to the blockchain every 12 hours or so, meaning you can prove somebody signed a document within a 12 hour window. But you can batch on any interval you want, lets say 10 minutes, but it will cost more money per each bitcoin transaction. and @jefvanbockryck i wrote an extensive article on this topic here -

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