I Missed The Onename Transition (Yes By Years)

I bought STX during the ICO in 2019, then used some of my stacks to create a (custom?) Blockstack ID in 2019. I found this forum posting by Muneeb discussing the Onename transition (Is this what my custom Blockstack ID was, a Onename?). LOL, I feel old. He advised to login to Blockstack Browser, which says it’s deprecated and to It now appears to be deprecated and advises to: “Please switch to the Stacks Wallet or upgrade your app to Stacks.js](https://blockstack.org/wallet)”. So I looked for Stacks Wallet, and there is no such thing any longer (I was able to access the STX in my wallet by using XVerse then sending to Leather). I have no idea what the Stacks.js app is.

I’ve searched my emails and never found any transition information that was described in Muneeb’s article. I would like to know where all this stands now, and, is there any utility in the concept of the onename any longer? Can I get someone to re-send me some of this transition info so I can make the transition now (years later) or am I SOL?

I realize it isn’t much money tied up in this either, but I was a little bummed when I saw all this and felt like the STX I had spent, had been for nothing since the username was now useless in the ecosystem. Is there an ecosystem now? If so, where do I start?

Finally, I am posting this here, because I could not find a Blockstack Zendesk site despite the Support Category telling me there may be one.

Thank you in advance. My apologies for sounding geriatric.


Elder Millenial

@ultrarap I think a lot has changed since. Onename even predates the blockstack browser. That is a very old article. Blockstack PBC has since been split up to decentralize the network. And the network was renamed to Stacks.

If you registered a name with the blockstack browser and burned some Bitcoin to do that in 2019, you would also have had to renew the registration every 1 or 2 years. If you didn’t do that it would have expired by now.
Any name that was still valid prior to the Launch of Stacks 2.0 (January 2021) would have been valid for another two years, so you could migrate to the Stacks 2.0 network. I believe you missed one or two deadlines here.

Consider registering a new name via https://btc.us or https://domains.paradigma.global/ (the later also allows registering in the .id namespace which was live in the Blockstack browser days). You can use Xverse mobile browser or on the desktop with Xverse or the Leather.io browser extension.

Stacks Wallet was renamed to Hiro wallet in the end of 2020, and more recently it was renamed to Leather, The desktop wallet is still somewhat similar to the Stacks Wallet (except the Stacks network no longer requires BTC gas fees to operate you can now use STX as gas) but if you want to interact with decentralized apps you’re likely to need the browser extension instead.

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