How does Blockstack let users store app data?

In slack, Denis of Media Chain asks about the following slide from one of @ryan’s recent talks:


curious to see the source for this example :slight_smile:
couldn’t find those methods in


I will share it with you when I have it ready in a package :slight_smile:
oh hey @denis_mediachain that’s coming soon


curious where the photos are being stored in this case?
is this mutating something?
creating new zonefile + hashing + waiting for transaction confirmations?


they are being sent to the user’s storage API, which syncs it to their cloud storage providers
let’s say I back up my data on dropbox and IPFS
when I’m using the app, the app will send the photo to my identity agent (via an API) and then
that’ll sync to my dropbox and be sent to IPFS

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As I mentioned in the Slack, I will send over an update on this soon.

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