How can I verify my Facebook account?

Note that verifications need to be posted publicly.


Go to your ID’s section of Blockstack Browser → prove my Facebook account.

  1. Enter your username. Find your username after the URL on your profile page. For the example below, the username is xan.ditkoff.

  2. Next copy the verification message displayed under “Verification Instructions” and click the “Continue with Facebook” button below step 2

Paste the verification message. You cannot delete or edit the text or the hyperlink of the post.

The final post should look like this:

  1. Enter the URL proof of post in the Blockstack Browser. To get the post URL, go to the upper left of the post where it displays when you posted. It will either be in minutes, hours, or date/time format. In the message below, it is 5 mins.

Clicking on that date/time will open a window with the URL directly to the post. Copy that link.

Go back to Blockstack Browser window, and paste in the link you just copied. It will look like this.

  1. Click verify and you are all set! The verification will go through immediately.

TLDR: Post must be public. Post cannot be deleted. Post must include TEXT AND URL IMAGE. If you are still experiencing problems, please reset your browser.


Still working this out. I cant seem to get FB verified. Not sure why.

Aaaaand this one…

Hey Spencer,

Sorry that this is happening! Can you make sure that your post settings are public? Sometimes you also have to do a browser reset as well. Please let me know if this works for you!

I too have the same problem. The post is public, and I did a hard refresh in chrome. How long should it take to verify Facebook?

Hey there,

It should verify immediately. Mind sending me the link, or a screen shot of the link? Thanks!

Yes that looks correct, have you tried resetting the browser already?

Hard refresh while clearing cache still didn’t work… I did put in the wrong link a few times before putting in the correct one. Not sure if that’s relevant…

Hi there,

Cannot verify the FB account. The hard refresh of the Firefox browser did not help. Any ideas?

Okay, understood!

When editing your entries, you have to first delete all username and proof of verification URL fields, and click “verify” in order for it to reset. Here’s the step by step instructions Edit or Undo Verifications

If you changed the links without going through that process first, your changes might have not gone through. Sorry that there are a lot of steps! Please let me know if this works for you or not, and I’m making a note that we should make this more clear. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey! I clicked on the link and the page was not found. Are you sure the post is public? That is the only way that the software can recognize the verification.

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I checked - the post is public and I even double-checked the security settings - everything seems to be OK.
Below is a print-screen of several tries.

Ah yes I see. Sorry about that! Last question is about how you edited the verification in the browser?

This is what I wrote above:
When editing your entries, you have to first delete all username and proof of verification URL fields, and click “verify” in order for it to reset. Here’s the step by step instructions Edit or Undo Verifications1

If you changed the links without going through that process first, your changes might have not gone through. :see_no_evil:

Well, deleted all previous FB posts, cleared the FB page verification as indicated, cleared browser, made a new verification post on FB - still not working ((
Can you please try to click a new link? Maybe it is FB problem.

Not exactly sure what is going on here, and apologies that you’re experiencing this! If you download the most recent version of browser (released Friday AM here: then it should only require one verification to register. Are you able to get the voucher through twitter or github verification? Those are pretty instant and easy verifications. Again, I’m really sorry! We appreciate your patience and feedback, and are working on improvements.

Thanks for your help, Gina. I spotted Blockstack only today, so everything is new )) I started the verification with Twitter - it was smooth indeed. Decided to add FB but it never worked out, as you know. Anyway, I registered for the voucher and will be waiting for the e-mail.