Help needed: What are you reading?

Hey there, I’m putting together a list of blogs, newsletters, and other publications that do a good job of helping developers. These don’t necessarily need to be about crypto or decentralized apps, I’m really just looking for where you get your information and where you’d like to potentially see Blockstack featured.

Feel free to answer any or all of the following questions or just skip them all and drop some of your favorite links - these are just made to get you thinking of where/what you’re reading, anything is really appreciated!

  • What are the last 3 sites you read a post from top to bottom on?
  • What sites do you check every day or every week?
  • What’s a useful blog you wish more people knew about?
  • What popular blog or site you follow do you wish talked more about decentralization?
  • What are a few sites or blogs you can’t believe you haven’t seen a Blockstack on?
  • What was the last post that successfully got you to try something new?
  • What are the top 3 developer-centric blogs that you think of on the spot?
  • Any niche or specific audience focused blog posts that would be a good fit for Blockstack/decentralized content? Thinking about javascript blogs, android or ios development blogs, and on down to the most specific niche that could benefit from a dapp teardown or tutorial or other.
  • The last blog post you read (be honest!), this question is here because we all read from a range of sources and developers obviously don’t only read from developer blogs - where else is important information and new knowledge coming to you from that might not be obvious or fit in the above buckets?

Thanks so much!


Not a very detailed answer, but I’m basically 100% Hacker News. I don’t visit blogs, but I fully read lots of blog posts that I see on the front page.

What are the last 3 sites you read a post from top to bottom on?,, and some personal blog linked from Hacker News who’s name I can’t remember

What sites do you check every day or every week?

Twitter, Reddit, Hacker News

What’s a useful blog you wish more people knew about? — “Useful” isn’t the word I’d use, but I enjoy everything posted here. Not tech centric.

Marty’s Ƀent, a daily Bitcoin-focused newsletter from a guy I really respect, despite his intense maximalism:

What are the top 3 developer-centric blogs that you think of on the spot?
What are a few sites or blogs you can’t believe you haven’t seen a Blockstack on?
Any niche or specific audience focused blog posts that would be a good fit for Blockstack/decentralized content? Thinking about javascript blogs, android or ios development blogs, and on down to the most specific niche that could benefit from a dapp teardown or tutorial or other.

I barely read any blogs directly, just aggregators (HN, Twitter, Reddit etc.)

The last blog post you read

If you can count Wired as a blog, this post about a bunch of teens who hacked Microsoft and went to jail for it.

  • What are the last 3 sites you read a post from top to bottom on?
    Medium, Forbes Cybersecurity, EFF

  • What sites do you check every day or every week?
    Google Now (Android Desktop Sidepanel), Twitter, Youtube, Reddit

  • What’s a useful blog you wish more people knew about?
    Beginner Focused:
    More Experienced:

  • What popular blog or site you follow do you wish talked more about decentralization?

  • What are a few sites or blogs you can’t believe you haven’t seen a Blockstack on?

  • What was the last post that successfully got you to try something new?

  • What are the top 3 developer-centric blogs that you think of on the spot?
    Chromium Developer blog, HackerNoon,

  • Any niche or specific audience focused blog posts that would be a good fit for Blockstack/decentralized content? Thinking about javascript blogs, android or ios development blogs, and on down to the most specific niche that could benefit from a dapp teardown or tutorial or other.

  • The last blog post you read (be honest!), this question is here because we all read from a range of sources and developers obviously don’t only read from developer blogs - where else is important information and new knowledge coming to you from that might not be obvious or fit in the above buckets?

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