So I’ve been playing around with Blockstack, I got authentication to work locally in a sample project, then I deployed it to Netlify, using the manifest.json from the Animal Kingdom example, and now it’s not working anymore, here’s the error I get:
Failed to fetch information about the app requesting authentication. Please contact the app maintainer to resolve the issue.
Looking through the console and network it doesn’t seem to be a cors problem, as soon as I click login the request to Blockstack gets canceled and the console spits out:
Mixed Content: The page at '{URL}' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'blockstack:...
The problem is that Vue doesn’t load the Blockstack resource over HTTP, and the documentation for BlockstackJS isn’t the greatest, so it’s a bit difficult to understand where things went wrong, anyone with any ideas? Netlify: Link