Evangelist Meeting Minutes - August 16, 2018

Video Recording
Audio only

Good to see you all again! Here’s a rundown of the agenda we went through.

  • We shared the most up to date roadmap from the Product Team - this is how it will look when it goes live shortly. As Jeff mentioned last week, this format is a blend of something we think is realistically possible to maintain while also providing important insight into the future of the product. I’m waiting to share this publicly for just a bit longer, but if you were not on the call and would like to look please DM me and I’ll share it with you!
  • A new page for App Mining will be launching soon (possibly the end of this week or into next). We’ll be focusing our Growth efforts on sending developers to this page to learn about how they can earn Bitcoin for building dapps. Any feedback is appreciated! (you can join the public #app-co channel in Slack or DM one of us and we’ll pass it along.
  • App.co will soon see a redesign launch - it will contain new features and information on each dapp as we get it ready to play a role in App Mining. These changes will make it an even more valuable discovery and research tool for dapps of all kinds.
  • If you have suggestions or ideas for where you’d like to see Blockstack featured, please send them my way, here’s a forum post that has a few questions to get you thinking - Help needed: What are you reading?
  • Last but not least, the Decentralizing the Web Tour planning is going well, thanks to those who are already working with us on events. Please don’t share this site yet, we’ll be putting out a bigger announcement next week, but any feedback is welcome! http://blockstack.tilda.ws/decentralizing-world-tour. Please ping Shannon and Mitchell if you want to host a tour spot or would like help finding speakers for your event.

That’s all for today, thanks everyone, talk to you soon!