Discord banned?


I joined the Stacks Discord, completed captia/verification, and then was banned within probably 10 minutes. I never made a post, only thumbs upped my friend’s post about having issues with the testnet transactions not going through. Not really sure why I was banned. I tried to find some info if this has happened to anyone else but couldn’t find any information on it. Not really sure who to contact. Thanks.

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Hi, if you join other Stacks related server and find me, then DM me, I can help you with this.
Or you can try find me directly in discord DM on username: herogamer0001
I’d never ask you to click links to random website or insert seeds, be careful many scammers out there, talk to the right Hero.

Just need someone to unban the account on main Stacks server. The username is maxi.game

I didn’t post, didn’t break any of the rules. Absurd

You’ve been unbanned. Please check.