Community Meeting (ASIA) - 9.26.2019

Thanks for joining our bi-weekly community call last Thursday! Here’s a recap of our community updates.

:video_camera:Video Recording

:new: Recent Blockstack news:

Winners for Can’t Be Evil 2 is announced! What do you guys think? More info about the winners here.

:fire: Evangelist Updates
Thank you Blockstackers for being a leader in this movement. We just made a document with all evangelist contributions! You can see the document here.

  • Yesterday JC was with Brittany in Blockchain Live London
  • Mirlo is doing another meetup in Madrid next week which is all about Blockstack advantage
  • Goodluck and Dotun are doing a workshop in Lagos this October 5th
  • Wilson is planning a workshop this October in Bangalore
  • Friedger and Younes are doing a meetup series in Brussels next month
  • Younes is planning on spreading Blockstack in Antwerp and Leuven

:new: Community Events
We are kickstarting Q4 with 22 events this October from San Francisco all the way to Taiwan. You can see full list of community events here.

:woman_judge:t5: Discussion Points

  • We have our community discord currently up and running! You can join in the test cohort by pinging @jrmith
  • While was learning Blockstack tutorials, he noticed that some of it are out of sync with Blockstack’s Github Repository. cc: @moxiegirl
  • Community to do a Blockstack versus Other Platforms infographics?

:pen: Resources for the week:

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