Can't verify my twitter account

I followed the instructions, but status is always unverified
info is as follows:
user name: Marc7573
Proof URL

can you verify manually for me? thanks!

Hey there! It looks like your twitter is correct. If it still shows up as “unverified,” can you try doing a hard-refresh in your browser?

I’ve tried, even with several explorers, but always unverified.

Sorry to hear that :frowning:

This is going to sound strange, but can you try removing your Twitter and Facebook proofs, and then re-adding your Facebook proof? This sometimes clears the “unverified” status. Also, we have a new release of the browser (v0.21) that fixes a lot of these UX issues, if you wanted to try it instead. The download link is here.

installed the new browser v0.21. still can’t get verify.

Hey @nuggets,

We discovered an issue earlier today where sometimes it can take a few minutes for the browser to switch “unverified” to “verified”, even if your social proofs are correct. Yours show up as correct to me. If you leave the browser tab open for a few minutes, does the verification status change on its own?

nope…20 charaters