Can't register a new Name

I am having issues registering a new name from the blockstack browser.
I sent the added btc to the wallet, etc and got confirmation that the username will be ready in an hour but it’s been 6 hours now and I haven’t got it yet and its cost haven’t been deducted from my wallet.


I have the same issue … I waited for 2 days and nothing changed, the wallet’s amount as same as before registering

I tried from the browser >IDs>more> Add another ID

If there is another way to do it, I appreciate if someone tells us about.


I checked it now … I did the registration process again with the same sequence … it has been succeeded

can you check from your side and confirm?

Registering an on-chain name (one that doesn’t end in .id.blockstack) can take several hours. Don’t attempt to register names more than once – there’s a chance you’ll lose your Bitcoin doing so.

Yes, it worked fine now.