Can I pay someone in the community to help me install desktop browser on Linux?

I love being part of something new like this. The downside to a less technical promoter like myself is getting stuck on the details. There’s very little basic help. Everything starts at a higher level, which one expects in this highly technical field.

I have Linux Mint up and running, which appears to use Ubuntu because the first command (see below) executed well. The next two did not. And I need to utilize (or install?) the file I downloaded from blockstack downloads for Linux. That’s what I need help with.

I’ll pay $20 for someone to help me via chat or google hangouts.


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Hi @stevechris

The easiest way to get started using the blockstack browser on Linux for now is via the webapp –

If you want to use features like submitting name and bitcoin transactions, you’ll need to install the app itself. The Linux install right now (offered here: is a script which uses Docker to run things for you. Would be happy to answer any questions you had on getting that set up.

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Thank you @aaron, I really appreciate it. I guess what’s motivating the Linux install is so that I can use more of the existing apps w/o getting a message that the app is not ready yet for windows. Will I get that w/ the webapp?

Maybe you can give a brief description of the differences between a) the browser for a windows installed browser (like chrome), b) Linux desktop browser and, c) the Linux webapp you mention.

Thanks in advance.

Yes, in that case, the webapp and the Windows install have the same limitations (in that some of the apps cannot be used on those platforms yet — though, for the most part, the most recently updated applications should all work on the webapp in addition to the Windows install).

The biggest difference between the Windows install (which is very similar to the webapp) and the Linux desktop browser is the inclusion of a background daemon which allows you to submit name and bitcoin transactions. Blockstack applications also used to use this daemon for interacting with user storage as well, but apps using the most recent versions of our libraries don’t need this background daemon anymore.

Thanks again. In that case, I’m still interested in the Linux desktop browser. But the installation process is beyond my technical know-how.

I assume the iOS is the same (less limited) experience as the Linux desktop and not like the windows and webapp installs?