Can Chinese participate in the Token Sale?

Hi. Can Chinese participate in it?Who can tell me?

I’m just a community member. From what I know: yes.

There’s a language in the voucher-part saying that they could be obligated to restrict it for some reason. They hope not to.

So you can always register for a voucher, and you (and the rest of us) will see down the line what the lawyers figure out. Hopefully we can all use our vouchers. The more real people are involved, the better.

Remember that Blockstack is trying to bring about a new web infrastructure (stack). So the goal is to have it being used, the Stack token is explicitly introduced to solve some issues of control and incentives, and not meant as an investment per-se. As far as I understand/think.

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Yes! You can participate via the non-accredited process, and receive a voucher for purchasing tokens once the system goes live. If you are accredited, then please send us an email at [email protected].