Thought of starting a forum post on Business Models Competition to track all discussions related to it going forward.
During the Working Group Session - 04/28/20 @shannon shared that there’s great interest in running a business model competition. Courtesy to @whoabuddy for writing up the meeting minutes.
The objective of the Business Models Competition:
How do we create value and wealth from PoX?
Outline of the Business Model Competition Idea:
Start off with a mini, bring in speakers and community members, people who can inspire what would make a great business plan.
Have group break out into different teams to lead into a competition, inspired by this first event that would lead into a hackathon.
Pros: Very defined, advantage for teams involved
Cons: how do we control what plans are received, where do we want to go after its wrapped up?
Tentative competition date: June 2020
Suggestions from the group:
It would be the first time this type of competition would happen in this space. @shannon
A culmination of alot of things that were discussed in the group, giving us a wider community space to work out these business ideas. It would be a good fit alongside what we are doing as a working group. @jrmith
Work with blockchain accelerators and/or foundations @cameronw.
Potentially a great opportunity to reachout to Business school students, provide them with more support on platform development, as there are alot of interests but do not know what to build @cameronw.
Some key questions that came out of the meeting and we need community input to get them answered.
- Does June sound like a good target for the competition?
- How long should the competition be?
- How should the competition be judged, and what are the prizes? (as competitors how would you want it structured and what resources can it offer you to do your best work)
- Should we find the best proposal and reward that, or do we want to see follow-up, such as seeing the contestant go on to build something in collaboration with Blockstack or the foundation?