Hopefully I’m not too late to the party, things have been running in quite a few directions as of late. 
@jrmith Thanks for compiling everything we talked about, I am excited to see ideas turn into action, and I think we are definitely making progress in that direction.
@louiseivan Agreed that past hackathons and experimentation are the way to go for research, especially if we can generate some ideas about what makes Blockstack unique, or anything towards collaboration and sustainability as a group. I will definitely check out those links.
@Trudko Great ideas here, and I think this is a great high-level view of some of the possibilities. It covers a lot of what we’ve talked about and more.
I think one question we can ask ourselves as we look over these resources, which of these ideas do we need right now? If we had to, what could we work to implement next week?
Even if it is unrealistic from a timeline perspective, it could help narrow down some possibilities for the list we apply RICE scoring to, as well as reveal some of the underlying motivations of the group as a whole.
Another challenge I wanted to present: How do we think outside the DApp?
By that I mean, how can we generate shared tools, collaborative APIs, and ideas that are in sync with the community? As Stacks 2.0 evolves and the Stacks Foundation grows, my impression is that much of this should be led by a community effort, which means we have the opportunity as a group to provide our input on focus and direction.
Instead of thinking “I can create an app to do this”, how can we focus on “I can create a framework so everyone an do this?” It is my hope that by abstracting the purpose of a DApp, we can create more fundamentally useful tools across the group, and encourage people to work together in the Blockstack ecosystem.
If we, as a community, were to undertake the development and stewardship of tools used on the Blockstack platform, where should the focus begin?
As far as individual ideas, I like the idea of creating a “Zero to STX” or “Zero to Clarity” tutorial, and the idea of developing a hackathon around smart contracts. I do not have any concrete use cases yet, but I am curious about how we can all use smart contracts to ensure consensus on an idea, to transfer payments (or fees) between parties, and other methods related to how I could migrate my consulting business to work within this ecosystem full-time.
I am also interested in the potential of app chains, or as Jude described it, the ability to “run an instance of Stacks 2.0 on top of an instance of Stacks 2.0, just like how Stacks 2.0 runs on top of Bitcoin today”. I think there is a lot of untapped potential here.
Given the information presented so far I think we have a clear list of ideas to review, but I am curious as to which are most important to the community.
Also, I like the idea of building smaller sub-communities with alignment on core goals. I think this could be a good use case for app chains and a possibility to direct and maintain stewardship of part of the underlying protocols. It would enable groups to enforce a widely-accepted preference, such as using open source software or embracing CBE policies, that could be verified by an audit process or possibly even smart contracts within the sub-community.
A great example I found came from Trivago in 2016, inspired by Spotify, to create “guilds” that were stewards to protocol structure, implementation, and maintenance. Some of the ideas are sourced from Henry Martyn Robert in Robert’s Rules to Order. I think this ecosystem could benefit from a similar culture, and could also add benefits through stacking or other mechanisms unique to this ecosystem.
That’s all for now - looking forward to the next phase!