Bundle.js:34649 Uncaught Error: private key must be a string

I followed this. https://blockstack.org/tutorials/hello-blockstack

This is my app.js

document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function(event) {

document.getElementById(‘signin-button’).addEventListener(‘click’, function(event) {
var authrequest = blockstack.makeAuthRequest(null , window.location.origin);

document.getElementById(‘signout-button’).addEventListener(‘click’, function(event) {

function showProfile(profile) {
var person = new blockstack.Person(profile)
document.getElementById('heading-name').innerHTML = person.name() ? person.name() : "Nameless Person"
if(person.avatarUrl()) {
  document.getElementById('avatar-image').setAttribute('src', person.avatarUrl())
document.getElementById('section-1').style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById('section-2').style.display = 'block'


if (blockstack.isUserSignedIn()) {
var profile = blockstack.loadUserData().profile
} else if (blockstack.isSignInPending()) {
blockstack.handlePendingSignIn().then(function(userData) {
window.location = window.location.origin

I am getting this Error -

bundle.js:34649 Uncaught Error: private key must be a string
at Function.derivePublicKey (bundle.js:34649)
at Object.makeAuthRequest (bundle.js:8873)
at HTMLAnchorElement. (app.js:5)
derivePublicKey @ bundle.js:34649
makeAuthRequest @ bundle.js:8873
(anonymous) @ app.js:clock5:

Console Message

blockstack.js: generating v1.1.0 auth request

Another Info - I create a blockstack id and i am logged in on blockstack browser.

We have fixed this error in new releases. Can you please download the newest release, restart and hard-refresh your browser and try again?