BTC withdrawal with Stacks Wallet 3.1

When originally conceiving the Stacks Wallet, we included the ability for users to deposit small amounts of BTC for the sole purpose of paying for transaction fees on Stacks 1.0.

We assumed that providing a way to transfer BTC back out of the Stacks Wallet would serve little purpose given the relatively small amounts of BTC needed to pay for transactions under normal circumstances.

However, we’ve seen that users do often ended up depositing larger amounts of BTC into the wallet in an attempt to cover larger and more variable transaction fees, which they’ve often had to guess ahead of time. As a result, more users than expected have ended up with BTC balances that are indeed worth recuperating but without the option to do so.

To assist these users, we’ve updated the Stacks Wallet with a new feature that empowers them to enter a BTC address and withdraw all of their BTC in a single transaction. If you’ve previously transferred BTC into the Stacks Wallet, you can now get it out!

Download the latest version of the Stacks Wallet (v3.1.0)

For extra security, you can verify the hash of your download by following these instructions.

We recommend that you conduct any STX transactions that require the payment of fees in BTC before withdrawing your BTC, to avoid having to deposit BTC again.

As we head towards the launch of Stacks 2.0, we’re preparing to drop the requirement of BTC for transaction fee payments entirely. In fact, we’ve already released a new wallet for testnet-based debugging that operates solely with STX.

While we plan to release that new wallet officially alongside mainnet of Stacks 2.0, you’ll always be able to use today’s 3.1.0 release to withdraw your BTC, either before or after the arrival of Stacks 2.0.


HODLers are going to love this. No Sats left behind! Awesome!

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I have installed version 4.1.0 of the Stacks wallet. Was this feature removed? I don’t even see my BTC balance anywhere. Is there no longer a way to withdraw our BTC?

This feature remains only in the 3.1.1 version of the wallet, which can be reinstalled following these instructions:

We’re also preparing an alternative method for withdrawing BTC without having to reinstall the old wallet, which we’ll post to the above URL soon. So if you don’t want to overwrite your v4.1.0 install, I’d recommend waiting a bit. I’ll post a notice here when that method is available.

Thanks! I’ll wait for that to come out.

The instructions are now available here!

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I realize this is an old thread but I am trying to withdraw BTC from an old (original) Stacks Wallet. I’ve moved my Stacks to Leather and was able to withdraw but the BTC didn’t come over to Leather. Can you/someone please re-post the instructions on the link above? It errors out.


Here is an updated link and a copy of the instructions:

BTC withdrawals from old wallet

How can I withdraw the BTC I’ve deposited into the old Stacks Wallet?

Important note: These instructions involve the installation of a third-party wallet that is not created or supported by Leather. We make no guarantees as to its security or functionality. Please proceed at your own risk.

The third-party Electrum wallet can be used for withdrawing your BTC as previously deposited into the Stacks Wallet. The instructions below must be followed using the same Secret Key / seed phrase or hardware device as used to set up the Stacks Wallet originally for managing your STX and depositing BTC from elsewhere.

Please double-check that you have the same phrase or device on hand, then follow these instructions very carefully:

  1. Download and open the Electrum wallet for your operating system from

  2. If you have a hardware device, connect your Ledger or Trezor device via USB and unlock it with your PIN. If you have Ledger specifically: Open the Bitcoin app on the device. If you don’t already have the Bitcoin app, download it from Ledger Live before proceeding. Once the app is installed, close Ledger Live before proceeding. Otherwise Electrum won’t be able to communicate with your Ledger device. If you’re on Linux with either Ledger or Trezor, you may need to configure your undev rules before proceeding.

  3. Choose “Next” on the first “Install Wizard” screen that appears

Electrum - Install wizard, default wallet

  1. Select “Standard wallet” and “Next”

Electrum - Install wizard, standard wallet

  1. If you have a Ledger or Trezor device select “Use a hardware device” and “Next”. Otherwise, select “I already have a seed”

Electrum - Install wizard, use a hardware device

  1. Select “Next” when viewing your Ledger or Trezor device listed on the “Hardware Keystore” screen:

Electrum - Install wizard, Ledger nano S

  • Or alternatively without a hardware device, enter your seed phrase:

Electrum - Install wizard, Enter seed

Then select “Options” and check “BIP39 seed” before continuing to select “OK” and “Next”:

Electrum - Install wizard, BIP39 seed

  1. Select legacy (p2pkh) for the type of wallet then replace the derivation path value with m/44’/5757’/0’ and select “Next”.Important: You must select the “legacy” type before replacing the derivation path value. Otherwise the derivation path value will revert to an incorrect default and your BTC won’t appear in the wallet later on. Make sure that this value is entered exactly as shown, with an apostrophe at the very end and without any spaces (between letters or at the end).

Electrum - Install wizard, legacy (p2pkh)

  1. Select “Next” on the wallet file encryption screen

Electrum - Install wizard, Encrypt wallet file

  1. You should see your balance listed at the bottom of the app’s window.Select the “Send” tab on top, paste the recipient BTC address for where you want to send your BTC into “Pay to”, select “Max” for the amount, and confirm by selecting “Pay…”:

Electrum - Install wizard, Pay to…

You’re all set! All of your BTC has been withdrawn from the Stacks Wallet using Electrum.

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Many thanks @Werner1 !! I will try this today.

Thank you again @Werner1 – it worked perfectly. I did notice that on Electrum Step 1, I had to type in the derivation path value in order to activate Next. Next remained grayed out when I tried to cut/paste from the instructions. (Windows 10 desktop version).

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