Wins of the week:
- Q4 investor updates went out to the community:
- The Decentralizing the World tour recap was posted on our blog (link here) and mentioned in the Friday newsletter.
- Brittany Laughlin joined us to help with Token Economics and Investor Relations! YAY!
- Muneeb gave the keynote at the East Chain Open Hub conference in Kuwait on January 30th (video will be out soon!).
Last week updates:
OKR 1 - Quality Assurance
- Selenium end-to-end integration tests for user signup flow are up, more to come.
- There has been progress on automated runs for Github pull requests.
- blockstack.js v18.3 RC1 release (with bug fixes)
App Mining
- 54 apps in Feb ranking
- Second iteration of designs and work estimates planned for administration app with team.
- Backlog issues reviewed and triaged for
- Voters onboarding calls
- Synced with TryMyUI on process improvements
- Another round of feedback and updates on content. We shared that content with the design freelancers at Zensite to generate more ideas on how to handle the visual design.
- Added tickets and epics to the App Mining repo. Mostly to spark a discussion around the next app reviewers.
Developer platform
- Started early planning that would serve as a reference implementations.
- Continued progress towards release candidate for revocation ability for Gaia authentication tokens. PR in final review.
Industry Awareness
- Continued work on event presence and speaking opps at several larger events and hackathons. Added more events to the calendar. Consensus, etc. and confirmed exhibitor space at Consensus.
- Ken did a presentation at JS Tech talk
- Put out a talk recap of William Mougayar’s HK talk this past Thursday (link here)
OKR 7 - Improved consumer UX
- Beta versions of Browser and blockstack.js released, addressing authentication-related bugs and protocol handling improvements
- Reviewed comparative user testing videos of Lisk’s onboarding flow
- Reviewed seed-based design candidates for our onboarding flow
- Reviewed design improvement of apps on Browser homepage
- Completed work on gaia local installation for testing/development
OKR 8 - Open-source engagement
- Closed a couple of external PRs on docs and animal kingdom.
- A contributing guide for blockstack.js is online. Here
- New position posted: Senior Accountant
Onename Shutdown