Here are some of the things Blockstack PBC team members worked on last week:
- Leadership team met for all day brainstorming session on Wednesday. They discussed a Blockstack Thesis document.
- We just had a successful security review of the Wallet
- We just had a developer, Matthew Little start working at Blockstack PBC. He will be working on Gaia.
- iOS React native module: Lots of progress, just about on par with Android. Switching to Swift instead of Objective-C.
- We’re working on Browser update that will support user-specified Gaia hubs. All the functionality is there, and now we’re just doing bug fixes and UX improvements. Follow here.
Blockstack Core
- Early ECVRF implementation in Rust
- Merged SIP 002 to develop
- Casper Review published from Muneeb’s Medium. Picked up by MIT Media &
- Talking to Dan Jeffries of Hacker Noon about future podcast ideas
- Distribution for Zero to Dapp: via slack, reddit, Youtube, discord channels, and paid ads on Reddit
- Xan did Podcast with
App Mining
- App Mining roadmap started by Jeff
- Opened and cleared many tickets on New App Mining page and registration materials
- App mining landing page work, nearly ready for release this week
- Ken did Blockstack Presentation for Barcelona JS Coding school
Ops and Misc
- Jeff started a brief for a project for visual rebrand of ecosystem
- Onboarded 2 new team members
- Current positions we are hiring for are here. High priority to Head of Open Source, UI Engineer, Designer, and Product Marketer.
- Updated careers copy on AngelList, PowerToFly, emailed KeyValues, set up an account with POCIT