Blockstack Summit 2015 Poster

Hey guys here’s the latest Blockstack Summit 2015 Poster. There will be 6 or so of these in various areas throughout the summit. Size is 24x36.

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Looks great! Reminds me of USENIX 2015 a bit :wink:

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Yes… Really like the middle illustration I created. I will definitely iterate on it and add more detail as time goes by.

The USENIX poster was a hit at the event! Making something along a similar theme should work well :slight_smile:

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Beautiful! Love it! Can’t read the tiny print. Does it say something like “Blocks and chains sold separately. Some assembly required. Always hash responsibly”? :blush:

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Haha. Yeah. Some of the print is there for visual effect to guide the eye down the poster. But it’s all legible. It’s a 24"x 36" poster. Which is pretty big.

at browser size … the blockstack logo in the middle of the page looks (to me) too small … i’d supersize it …

and why only 8 nodes on the outer ring … to me - they currently look a little lost and lonely …

aka isolated from the center and disconnected from each other because of a lack of critical collective mass …

again to me, there appears room for 4 - 6 more nodes on the outer ring (of varying sizes/colours)

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@paulransfield, thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile:

at browser size … the blockstack logo in the middle of the page looks (to me) too small … i’d supersize it …

Well it’s a massive poster actually. So yes, we have super-sized it.

As for the nodes. Agreed, my plan is to add quite a few nodes everywhere. Takes a bit of time… If I manage to free up some time between now and the Summit I will throw more in. :smile:

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Big fan @glepage!! Not much useful to add other than to ask if you know someone who would marry me on the quick so I can get a greencard and put in an appearance? :wink:

keep up the awesome work!

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