Blockstack Sticker Design

Hey guys, been working on a Blockstack Sticker. What do you think about this? It’s the greyscale version of the logo

I’m not a user of stickers so should discount my views on stickers appropriately. I really like the purple you have in the color version - why remove it in the sticker?

The reason I went with the greyscale version is that every logo needs to have a color, bw and reversed version of the logo. Having said that, it’s a part of the brand. But I will definitely apply the purple to this as well.

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Hey everyone. Here is a quick mock up containing the Blockstack sticker designs. I am hoping to have everyone vote which design they like the most and we can choose one that works best for everyone.

Try and keep in mind our mission is to evoke appeal and mystery.


hi @glepage

in general i like the logo - its simple, clean and talks to me directly about ‘blocks’ within nodes …

i’m not a big fan of black backgrounds … so i like the [ mauve | shocking pink ] on white …

i’m also not a big fan of ‘black box’ science … which was popularised in 20th century …

so for me, while this option hasn’t been visualised, a wireframe of the cube fits my world view of open transparent systems …

:smile: hope the feedback helps …

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Awesome! Thanks for the feedback. Seems like most like the one on the bottom left on the laptop image.

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yep … i like the text positioned under the logo too …

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