Blockstack iOS SDK v0.3.0

The iOS SDK has been updated with new features and fixes for many issues. Most notably: support for non-json formats (all types supported by Blockstack.js are now supported on iOS), encryption of files, and multiplayer getFile support.

Changes in this release 2


  • Blockstack.getFile with parameters username, app, and zoneFileLookupURL.
  • Blockstack.lookupProfile
  • Gaia.getUserAppFileURL
  • Blockstack.promptClearDeviceKeychain to reset the user’s local storage for auth.
  • Descriptive comments that work with Xcode Quick Look


  • Non-JSON formats in getFile and putFile, specifically “text/plain” and “application/octet-stream” content types.
  • Profile object now includes an “apps” property.
  • Various fixes around sign in/sign out with the sample app.
  • The sample app now showcases multiplayer get, along with encrypted putFile and getFile.
  • Blockstack.signOut now just signs the user out and clears state for the current application.

Give it a whirl! Comment here with feedback, file an issue on github 2, and say hi on Slack! Look out for our next release, v0.4.0, in a couple weeks!

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:heart_eyes_cat: [quote=“shreyas, post:1, topic:6143”]
Non-JSON formats in getFile and putFile, specifically “text/plain” and “application/octet-stream” content types.

Thanks @shreyas! At some point I’ll get to integrate this. Also looking forward to trying Blockstack.promptClearDeviceKeychain and Blockstack.signOut (I did a bunch of funky things to make that work in our current version).

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