Blockstack-Core password

I am trying to figure out how to download, install, and run the blockstack browser. I can not seem to find any tutorials on this anywhere.

I downloaded a shell script from the blockstack website and ran it. It tells me I need docker. I install docker. It says to get started run:

` $  ./ pull`
`$  ./ start`

I do this but on the second command it asks for my Blockstack-Core password… What password is this? my wallet password? my API password? (neither of which worked). When would I have set up a blockstack core password?

Hey, see Utter utter utter garbage
You should have been prompted to set up a core password when you first set up blockstack. If you’re running a previous blockstack-core instance, that may be the issue – you need a clean install, thusly: Core API running, but not valid?

Hey @Rimann,

The Core password is NOT your 12-word phrase. It’s just used to encrypt some local state that gets used during the name registration process. I’ve posted a detailed explanation here :slight_smile: Linux Walkthrough

@jude First of all let me just say thank you for your patience with me.

I understand that it’s not the 12-word phrase. What I don’t understand is what the blockstack-core password is? I followed the instructions in your walkthrough as closley as I could. But I was still never given or asked to establish a 'blockstack-core password." Your instructions say to move the ~/.blockstack directory out of the way and that a new one will be created but it doesn’t say how the new one is created. I tried running blockstack setup again for the third time but nowhere during the setup process does anything refer to a “blockstack-core password.” There is a default API password, a default bitcoind password, and at the end it asks me to set up a wallet password. What part of the setup process am I missing?

I also read through your post on utter utter garbage yet am still oblivious to where the block-stack core password comes from. Or whether or not its equivalent to the API password or wallet password in the setup process (you have made it very clear that it is NOT the 12 word phrase).

I think all I need is to be told something like “the blockstack-core password IS the API password”, or "you setup the blockstack password during the process of running <specific command> .

I have tried entering my API password, as well as my wallet password. Both of which came from running blockstack setup which I have now done at least three times to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

If the core password IS the API or wallet password created in this process, I would like to know because that means my problem is related to one of the error messages after entering the password and not a wrong password itself. Here is the output on entering a password after running start and recieving a prompt for my “blockstack core” password.

Enter your Blockstack Core password: 

docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/blockstack-api" is already in use         by container "b28869519d91bde72bccbbd7ffa69ee0bc30eb6f457096d100347b04637f0929". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
See 'docker run --help'.
Error response from daemon: Container     b28869519d91bde72bccbbd7ffa69ee0bc30eb6f457096d100347b04637f0929 is not running
Failed to start Blockstack daemon -- is your password correct?

I am supposing that these error messages are still an issue but I at least wan to make sure I am using the correct password before attempting to resolve them.

Again thanks for your patience and willingness to help

Hey @Rimann, replies inline

I understand that it’s not the 12-word phrase. What I don’t understand is what the blockstack-core password is? I followed the instructions in your walkthrough as closley as I could. But I was still never given or asked to establish a 'blockstack-core password." Your instructions say to move the ~/.blockstack directory out of the way and that a new one will be created but it doesn’t say how the new one is created. I tried running blockstack setup again for the third time but nowhere during the setup process does anything refer to a “blockstack-core password.” There is a default API password, a default bitcoind password, and at the end it asks me to set up a wallet password. What part of the setup process am I missing?

I think I see the point of confusion. I’m assuming that since you know about blockstack setup, you have installed the CLI at some point in the past and are familiar with the CLI’s wallet password prompt? The password that the Linux script calls the “Blockstack Core password” is used for the same purpose as the wallet password in the Blockstack CLI.

The Blockstack Browser has its own wallet, which is seeded from the 12-word phrase. It relies on a CLI instance running in Docker to carry out name registrations, for which it needs to know the Dockerized CLI’s wallet password.

There’s a more detailed technical discussion as to where the various pieces of the system run here, if you’re interested.

I also read through your post on utter utter garbage yet am still oblivious to where the block-stack core password comes from. Or whether or not its equivalent to the API password or wallet password in the setup process (you have made it very clear that it is NOT the 12 word phrase).

The API password is used to authenticate RESTful calls between the Browser process and the Dockerized CLI (which is running blockstack api start). You can see it in your ~/.blockstack/client.ini file. It is distinct from the 12-word phrase and the “Blockstack Core password.”

If the core password IS the API or wallet password created in this process, I would like to know because that means my problem is related to one of the error messages after entering the password and not a wrong password itself. Here is the output on entering a password after running start and recieving a prompt for my “blockstack core” password.

This might be part of the problem. The Linux script assumes that the user has not installed the CLI, and that it has free reign over the contents of ~/.blockstack. If you run blockstack setup outside of the Linux script, it may cause it to break. The password that would be used here as the “Blockstack Core password” is the same password you entered for the “wallet password” in blockstack setup.

docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/blockstack-api" is already in use by container "b28869519d91bde72bccbbd7ffa69ee0bc30eb6f457096d100347b04637f0929". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.

Actually, this error looks different. Do you have any containers running when you try to start the script? You may need to run docker ps to see them, and run docker kill to stop them if ./ stop does not do the trick.

Again thanks for your patience and willingness to help

No, thank you for being so patient with us :slight_smile:

@jude, thank you this actually helped a ton. I had been rebuilding .blockstack with the blockstack command. Doing it with the shell script itself really cleared up a lot of confusion. However that final error I pointed out. docker ps returned nothing. Just some empty column headings. Any other ideas on that one?

The script will create a container called “blockstack-api”. Try docker ps -a to see all created containers. Remove or rename the one called “blockstack-api”.

hi there, im confused on this as well and seems i just reset my account and lost btc in my wallet.

me too same, I lost 0.109 btc, I lost keychain phrase. Blockstack is not supporting to find, so bad …