Blockstack Bug Fix Sprint in Review - August 15, 2018

We’re trying out a new system where we announce, at the end of each Blockstack engineering sprint, the issues we tackled in the prior sprint.

Last sprint (July 30 - August 10) we worked on the following issues, with fixes merged:

  1. Blockstack.js authentication redirects don’t work in mobile browsers.
  1. Profile data lost when acquiring name
  1. Connecting a Gaia node to browser is impossible
  1. Mobile SDKs don’t work with React Native
  1. iOS SDK: to use gaia, encrypt or sign data, encryption must be supported
  • This has an initial implementation in iOS SDK release 0.2.0 — there’s some other issues to iron out here (usage of compressed vs. uncompressed keys)

We can discuss this during the weekly open community Engineering today, but if you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them here.


I love this concept. Transparent and super helpful when trying to figure out what’s been resolved at any given time.


Agreed–great idea @aaron & Blockstack team :+1:

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