Blockstack API Calls

How do I make Blockstack API calls in Blockstack-Core? I have the API up and running, but I can’t seem to get the commands right. I’m copying them directly off this page:

I’m trying to register a subdomain. I have Blockstack Core open in terminal and I’m copying and pasting the calls directly. But I keep getting “GET command not found.” I’m sure it’s an easy fix, but I’d appreciate any help.

Does this work for you?

$ curl
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Yes, it does. I was speaking with @jackzampolin on Slack yesterday and he was able to walk me through some of the API calls. But any other guidance you have would be greatly appreciated!

Jude, am I reading the docs correctly in that there are no data/Atlas API’s in the core json API? How does one get/set data. I hope not using blockstack.js. I really don’t want to use javascript.
Another question, have you guys ever thought of implementing a ZeroMQ interface?

Jude, am I reading the docs correctly in that there are no data/Atlas API’s in the core json API? How does one get/set data. I hope not using blockstack.js. I really don’t want to use javascript.

You can only write data to Atlas by sending a NAME_IMPORT, NAME_REGISTRATION, NAME_RENEWAL, or NAME_UPDATE transaction on a name you own. These transactions add a new hash to Atlas, which corresponds to up to 40Kb of data. See here for details.

Another question, have you guys ever thought of implementing a ZeroMQ interface?

What would be the purpose of a ZeroMQ interface?

Not much if there is already a language independent interface. ZMQ is a message passing protocol as far as I know. Bitcoin and Monero have this, I suppose as an alternative to the daemon RPC.