Blockchain, Decentralized P2P, BitTorrent, and Other Nontraditional Internet Technologies

I am curating a collection of technologies and applications, some new and some older, some obscure, and some just plain awesome for you to check out in addition to BlockStack. Here is a list of things I have saved:



Wow…this is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing!

I am glad you like it. I encourage you to find things and add to it. Just hit me up here or in Slack and let me know your Pinterest handle. I use the crap out of Pinterest for grouping things I find.

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very cool @lquessenberry. I just followed the board. :slight_smile:

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I want to apologize for the long pause and delay in my actions lately. I am still enjoying Blockstack even more than before and I really like the idea of keeping you guys informed of the latest and greatest things I have discovered.